The two deities of Samukawa-hiko-no-mikoto and Samukawa-hime-no-mikoto are enshrined as Samukawa-daimyojin who centered on Sagami province, are held to have developed the Kanto area of Japan and established the basis necessary for human life such as food, clothing, and shelter. Samukawa-daimyojin has been worshiped as the founder of local culture in the Kanto area.
Samukawa-jinja Shrine is located on the southwest side of the Tokyo (formerly Edo) area, corresponding to the direction of “Ura-kimon” (the direction opposite the kimon, the so called “demon's gate” or northeast direction), the southwest between the ram (eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac which refers to the south-southwest) and the monkey (ninth sign of the Chinese zodiac which means west-southwest). Generally, the shrine building is constructed facing south or west. Meanwhile, Samukawa-jinja Shrine is constructed facing southwest. That is why Samukawa-jinja Shrine has been worshiped as the Guardian of “Kan Hasshu” for protecting Urakimon of Edo. Samukawa-jinja Shrine has thus been worshiped for its role in Happo-yoke and Hoi-yoke.
According to the record, Samukawa-jinja Shrine has a history of more than 1600 years as it was founded during the Era of the Emperor Yuryaku (456 – 479). The shrine building was built in the 4th year of Jinki Era (727).